Standard Verifier SRF - L6 Diploma in Digital Technologies

Reference:SV/Digital Tech L6 

Closing date:25 February 2025 at midnight 

We are currently recruiting for Standards Verifiers for our Digital Technology sector. 

Purpose of the role:

Undertake sampling of assessment and internal verification decisions and records for SRF qualifications within a Principal Subject Area (PSA) in order to affirm that national occupational standards have been achieved and upheld. Support, advise and guide centres based on the outcomes of the sampling process. Direct centres in the delivery SRF qualifications towards the achievement of unit criteria within the specification.

Applicants must have significant experience of delivering and assessing qualifications at level 6, hold D32/D33 or A1 qualifications, and hold/be working towards the V1 or the Award in the Internal Quality Assurance of Assessment Processes and Practice. 

A good working knowledge of the relevant specifications, and evidence of Continuous Professional Development (CPD) in the field of assessment and delivery of vocational qualifications are also required.


Key Accountabilities: 

  • Undertake sampling of learner work within defined parameters and rules to verify that assessment outcomes, assessment and internal verification processes meet national occupational standards
  • Provide sector-specific support, advice and guidance to centres
  • Produce reports for centres and Pearson on the: sampling undertaken; outcomes reached and support provided 
  • To recommend limited certification, certification deferral or registration deferral where it is deemed that flawed assessment or internal verification decisions or processes mean that national occupational standards are not met
  • Produce targeted actions for centres to assist with remedial action where national occupational standards are not being upheld
  • Support centres to understand and implement identified actions
  • Report back to Edexcel and centres following SV activity within agreed service-level agreements
  • Provide source materials for the standardisation of centre assessors, internal verifiers and lead internal verifiers as requested
  • Undertake any other duties appropriate to the work of International Assessment in relation to this role


About Pearson

Welcome to Pearson, the world's leading learning company. We have a simple mission: to help people make more of their lives through learning. We are the UK's largest awarding body and offer qualifications that are globally recognised and benchmarked, with educational excellence rooted in names like Edexcel and BTEC.


Application Information

We have a number of opportunities available for teaching professionals to join our growing teams of examiners, moderators and verifiers.

Application Options

To take advantage of this opportunity complete our online application

If you have any further queries, or you need any additional support with your application, please contact the Associate Helpdesk team via the Pearson Support Portal.

What you'll need to apply
